Sunday, November 18, 2007

Our Collective Minds

We envision being the next infopreneurial hub with a mission of delivering knowledge contents to the world.

With this mission of delivering valued contents to the world comes the need to develop a strategy of shepherding the development, creation, send, use-reuse, and compounding of contents that are of value to its provider.

With the goal of achieving exponential growth in content development and delivery comes the need for a secure and energy-efficient data center and connectivity infrastructure responding to the moral obligation of helping reduce the impact of global warming and climate crisis.

With the goal of shepherding the evolution of communities of practice inevitably requires an effective programme management through out the business lifecycle to develop and implement training and engagement plans, perform supporting roles, develop online tools, and achieve full integration into the daily work processes of every middle class infopreneur.

Be part of this entrepreneurial revolution. The revolution of the new middle class in the knowledge-era infopreneurship....

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